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Hooligans Brewery, RuseCod 2374

Brewery “Huligans” the model world, in the center of Ruse. This is the latest acquisition in the entertainment industry in the city, which has recently opened its doors for beer connoisseurs of quality and quality labels. Thus, the 60 beers offered “HARD ROCK BEER HOOLIGANS,” which is the full name of the new local, accompanied by excellent cuisine and varied. “Huligans” was created not only as a place to eat and drink, but also as a comfortable meeting. Our concept is to be a special bar manager Plamen Yosifov says.

Brewery advantage is its strategic location – in the heart of Ruse, on the street. “Rayko Daskalov”, 2, next to the building with clock work schedule and long – up to 2 am.

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