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Lake Frăsinet, FrăsinetCod 1264

The lake Frăsinet is situated within the communes Frăsinet and Valea Argovei, being situated in the middle course of the river Mostiștea. This anthropic lake is extended on a surface of 1.460 hectares and it is used as a fishery basin. The fundamental species of fish with which Lake Frăsinet is populated are: carp, pickerel, […]

The Stud Farm Dor Mărunt, Dor MăruntCod 1263

The Stud Farm Dor Mărunt was founded in 1953 and became very well-known for the raising and looking after the horse breed the Romanian Trotter. Together with this breed, here are also raised a few horses from the breed the Romanian Semigreu, fundamentally for servicing of the unity. The horses were brought at first from […]

The Church Saint Gheorghe, Dor Marunt IICod 1262

The construction of the church with the titular saint of Saint Gheorghe has been started in the year 1937 and it was finished in the year 1940, year in which it has been consecrated by his Eminence the Priest Gherontie, the Archbishop of Tomis. In the interior of the church, in the right side it […]

Saint Nicholas Church, Dor Marunt ICod 1261

The parish church, with the titular saint of Hierarch Saint Nicholas, is situated on the North – West side of the village Dor Mărunt, being the oldest of the three churches from the village, known among the church-goers under the name the Old Church. It has been built by the people from the commune in […]

Saint Nicholas Church, Ciocăneşti – MărgineniCod 1260

The proofs of human and material existence on the territory of the commune Ciocănești are certified, starting with the Neolithic and until present, but the documentary certification of the locality is later on, for the first time Ciocănești (Pământeni) being reminded in a German document, at the 14th of July 1589, when the people from […]

The Former City Hall, CălărașiCod 1259

The former City Hall from Călărași was built at the end of the XIXth century, being last time renewed in the year 2013, having the destination of museum. The building was built in the years 1886-1887 after the plans made by the architect Ion Socolescu (1856-1924). From January 1, 1888 to early 2013, with small […]

The Statue of Ionel Brătianu, CălărașiCod 1258

Ion I. C. Brătianu (known also as Ionel Brătianu, born on the 20th of August 1864, Ștefănești, Argeș – deceased on the 24th of November 1927, Bucharest) was a Romanian political man, who played a first importance role in the Great Union of 1918 and in the political life from modern Romania. He occupied the […]

The Statue of Mihai Eminescu, CălărașiCod 1257

The statue of Mihai Eminescu was inaugurated in the year 2000, under the administration of Dragu Nicolae, mayor of the city Călărași. Mihai Eminescu (born Mihail Eminovici; born on the 15th of January 1850, Botoșani – deceased on the 15th of June 1889, Bucharest) was a Romanian poet, prose man and journalist, considered by the […]

The Carol I Statue, CălărașiCod 1256

Situated in May 2008 near the gymnasium which has its name in Călărași. At the unveiling, there were present dozens of personalities among whom His Eminence the Archbishop of Slobozia and Călărași and King Mihai, who was commissioned together with the mayor Nicolae Dragu with the unveiling of the statue. The statue of King Carol […]

The Secondary School Carol I, CălărașiCod 1255

The secondary school Carol I is situated in the building of the first high-school from Călărași, which was for boys. The construction of the school started in 1881, and in 1882 it was brought into service the primary school with classes 1, 2 and 3, and in 1884 it was transformed into a secondary school […]
