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The Resort Bala, BalaCod 1512

The resort Bala disposes of appreciable reserves of mineral water and therapeutic mud, being profiled on internal and external treatment. The mineral fountains are found on the Chiciora Valley, a small confluent of the beck Râieni. The therapeutic mud is used in degenerative rheumatism, articular rheumatism, allergic states after rheumatism or infections, gynecological affections, affections […]

The Saints Apostles Peter and Pavel Church, ViașuCod 1511

The “Saints Apostles Peter and Pavel” church, the village Viașu, is a monument place of worship, being dated back to 1835, although it is most likely much older. It is the most valuable from the churches from the radius of the commune. It its structure also appears the wood among the construction elements, at the […]

“Saint Nicholas” Church, PătuleleCod 1510

In the locality Pătulele, the first church, from which there derives the Saint Nicolas church, was in a cottage, with a special bell tower, somewhere on the hill, and more above than were the commune is now. This church in a cottage was burned by the Turks and since then it remained with the name […]

The Pentecost Church, Gârla MareCod 1509

The commune Gârla Mare has a quite ancient past. In the center of the commune near the principal highroad there is situated the construction of the same courtyard with the Congregation church also the Pentecost Church, historical monument. The position of the old establishment of the commune was a completely different one than the one […]

The Jiana Monastery, JianaCod 1508

On the 27th of May 2009, His Grace the Priest Nicodim, the Bishop of Severin and Strehaia, set the foundation stone of the Monastery Jiana. This is the first monastery from the plain area of the county Mehedinți. The foundation of the monastery has been decided in the meeting of the Metropolitan Assembly of the […]

The Băluța Cave, BăluțaCod 1507

The Băluța cave, situated in the Băluța village on the Gaps of Băluța, presents two layers: one flooded almost all the time, and the other one situated above it, a fossil floor with different carst formations. The cave has a length of 248 meters. The Băluța cave is the biggest penetrable carst cavity of the […]

The Coşuştei Monastery, Crivelnic, FirizuCod 1506

The name of the monastery indicates the fact that it was connected to the place Coșuștei, and this is the way the water which passed through a populated area, on ancient times, as it also shows the names of some villages which disappeared from this. The oldest and its singular mention is constituted by a […]

Saint Nicholas Church, CosteștiCod 1505

According to the Inventory of the churches from 1845, Saint Nicholas Church from Costești was founded in the year 1841. In the annual of 1900, it is mentioned the year 1788. According to the documents published in 1835, the church is being redone after a fire from 1805, following a Russian – Turkish fight. It […]

Saint Steven Church, GornovițaCod 1504

The Saint Steven Church from Gornovița was built around the years 1796 – 1799, being redone only in the XIXth century. The church is a historical monument, the subsidiary of the congregation Prejna, the commune Balta. In the inscription written in 1962, when the church was covered with plates, it is mentioned as year of […]

The “Saint Apostles” Church , ComăneștiCod 1503

The “Saint Apostles” Church from Comănești is founded in the period 1879 – 1881. One of the most important elements which can be re-found in the place of worship is the old icon from the year 1459. Built up on the place of an old skete, executed by Milon Iuzbasa. In the Inscription it is […]
