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Bust of Tudor Vladimirescu, CernețiCod 1421

The bust of Tudor Vladimirescu, in the center of the town of Cerneți was built in 1914 and restored in May of 2014. The leader of the revolutionary movement from 1821, Tudor Vladimirescu, was born around 1780 in Vladimiri village (Gorj County), from a freeholder family. At 18 Tudor joined the pandours (irregular army force, […]

The Cerneți Village Museum, CernețiCod 1420

The Cerneți Village Museum was founded at the end of 2013, at the initiative of local teacher Florin Grigore Dudaș and of mayor of Șimian, Constantin Trușcă. The new institution on the map of Mehedinți county is divided in three sections – etnography, history and numismatics – where the county collections are exposed. For decades, […]

Raduțeștilor House, ButoieștiCod 1419

Constantin Rădulescu Motru was born in the house in Butoiești. He spent the first seven years there and he would always come in the summer, during the breaks from school. At the age of seven he went into 1st grade, in Butoiești. He was enrolled with the name Popescu. Later, during high school, because there […]

Saint Parascheva Church, BuiceștiCod 1418

Under the pastorate of the priest Ilie Dumitrescu was built up from brick wall on the place of an old small church, this church with the titular saint of “Saint Pious Parascheva” by the Christians of the village Buicești. Before finishing the holy place of worship, the priest dies, the work being accomplished by his […]

The Cuțui Fortress, BroșteniCod 1417

The building was built, according to tradition by Ghiţă Cuţui, pandour captain and his son, Constantin, around 1815. The place where the forteress was built is tied to a tragic story in the captain’s life. A group of Turkish people from the Ada-Kaleh Island kidnapped Ghiţă Cuţui’s wife. For the ransom, the pandour sold part […]

Cuțuilor Church, BroșteniCod 1416

Cuțuilor Church, a worship house dedicated to Saints Emperors Constantin and Elena was built in 1836 by Constantin Cuţui, son of pandour captain Ghiţă Cuţui. Since the founder died in the meantime, the church was painted at the expense of his son Mihalache in 1840. Afterwards the church had a few transformations, being entirely paved […]

Saint Parascheva Church, ArgineștiCod 1415

The Saint Parascheva Church from Arginești was built in the year 1928. Butoiești is a commune in the county of Mehedinți, Oltenia, Romania, formed from the villages Arginești, Buicești, Butoiești (the residence), Gura Motrului, Jugastru, Pluta, Răduțești and Țânțaru. In Butoiești there are comprised the small villages Popești, Ștefanu and Tabla. According to the census […]

Saint Nicholas Wooden Church, AlbuleștiCod 1414

Saint Nicholas Wooden Church was built in the second half of the 19th century. The historical monument is not preserved. Located in the center of town on a large plate, a new church being built near it during this time, dedicated to the same saint. The wooden church, raised in 1909 is the second in […]
