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The Leisure Center 2 Mai, 2 MaiCod 1232

Accommodation and food facilities:

  • the center has a capacity of 200 places, in rooms with their own bathrooms, arranged in the following manner:
    • rooms with 2 places – 8
    • rooms with 4 places – 6
    • rooms with 5 places – 32
  • the center has its own dining room, with a capacity of 120 places, and its own kitchen

Opportunities for spending the free time:

  • children’s playground
  • mini-golf course
  • sport course
  • golf course
  • open – air disco

Other facilities:

  • surgery and infirmary
  • access to the internet;
  • meeting room;
  • free, available, video-projector, projecting screen, flipchart;
  • animation, bonfire at the end of the evenings, diverse contests.

Tourism routes which can be developed from the leisure center:

– Seaside tour (Mamaia – Aqua Magic, Neptun, Jupiter, Venus)

– Visiting the city of Constanța,

– Visiting the city of Mangalia,

– Visiting the aquariums, planetariums, dolphinariums

– Visiting the monasteries Dervent, Saint Andrew

– Visiting the monuments Adamclisi, Histria, Tomis Citadel

– Visiting the museums (The Museum of History and Archeology, the Marine Museum)

– Visits in the Delta of Danube.

There can be organized trips to Bulgaria, where there can be visited the palace of Balcic (with fulfilling the legal conditions of crossing the country for the minor Romanian citizens).

The village 2nd of May has been founded in the year 1887, by Mihail Kogălniceanu. The name of the locality comes from the day of 2nd of May 1864 when A. I. Cuza dissolved the legislative meeting of the United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. From other sources, the name would come from the “two paddles”, peasant tools which were used in this establishment.

The first school was founded in the village Caracicula in the year 1902, having two jobs as second teachers and installed in the own premise in 1908, built from the locals’ fees.



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