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The Museum of History, KilifarevoCod 2528

Kilifarevo is located 11 km south of Veliko Tarnovo. The city Museum of Kalifarevo is hosted by the Seralieva House, which was built in the 19th century. The Museum has an has an extensive background documents – images, and substantial – that represents the Kalifarevo region from antiquity until today.

The ethnographic part of the exhibit is held in two plans: one inside a wealthy family of works from the late nineteenth century, where coexist the lifestyle and scenery of traditional village life, and also, Bulgarian and European life in the nineteenth century.

Material culture and ethnographic peculiarities of the region are exposed outdoors in an exhibition opened in special storages in the yard. In its natural environment, there is a wealth of material evidence with raw materials, tools and products for agriculture, transport and crafts specific to this area and additional livelihood – carts, cooperage, stave, vilar, spinning, ceramics, stonework and others from the second half of the nineteenth century – early twentieth century.

It is impressive the large collection of funeral stones and votive presented- true masterpieces of stone sculptures of the Renaissance.

At the ground floor is the art gallery containing a variety of paintings, graphics and sculptures.

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