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The Saint Nicolas Church, FălcoiuCod 1696

The church “Saint Nicholas”, from the village Fălcoiu dates from 1509. On the other hand, some sorces place the abode as year of construction, in 1596, being rebuilt of the wall by Captain Matei Fălcoianu, between 1709-1710. The sanctuary was repaired in 1892 and restored in 1932 and 1949 when it was covered with fresco painting, informs us the same document. According to the inscription, the church was made on the expense of master Matei Fălcoianu – captain in 1710, was renovated in 1880 and reinforced in 1929, when it was built a new steeple, also. The same source points out that in 1988, was covered with galvanized sheet, in 1988 was completely plastered, and in 1989 was painted in fresco technique. The legend says that the name comes from the name of the boyar Matei Fălcoianu. A toponymic analysis can lead, howeverto the conclusion that landlord Matei took its name from the village Fălcoiu where he had his estate. This one was a great treasurer during the reign of Ioan Mavrocordat (December 2, 1716 – March 6, 1719). Matei Fălcoianu, having no heirs, left his entire fortune to the village provided that they must build in te commune a hospital for the villagers. Nowadays here operates a Hostel with 50 beds for elderly persons of residential type having as main task the protection of the elderly and preventing their social marginalization. The basic activity of the inhabitants of the Falcaiu commune is agriculture, especially vegetable growing , the products being capitalized through the county food markets, but most are sold in other counties like (Sibiu, Brasov, Harghita). Also, within the commune operates a total of 31 businesses in various fields, such as:
– Public Food – 21;
– Activities related to agriculture – 6;
– Automotive repair – 1;
– Vulcanization – 2;
– Shoe repair – 1.
According to the census conducted in 2011, the village population stands at 4.004 inhabitants , down from the previous census in 2002, when it had registered 4,356 inhabitants. Most inhabitants are Romanian (94.28%), with a minority of Roma (2.27%). For the 3.42% of the population, ethnicity is not known. In terms of religious, most people are Orthodox (95.4%), with a minority of Pentecostals (1.12%). For the 3.42% of the population the confessional belonging is unknown.

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