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Tsarev Kamak, RuseCod 2388

Tsarev famous monument Kamaka (Coloaba Mahmud) in the city of Ruse, is Youth Park, about 60 m patron “Assumption” and is the oldest preserved monument in the city.
The monument has nothing to do with the Bulgarian tsars. It was erected in 1937 after the city was visited by the 30th ruler of the Ottoman Empire, Sultan Mahmoud II, the inspection of military structures in settlements along the Danube. According memories kept eyewitness visit was conducted last Saturday (28th) of May 1836.

Place monument is still there where once Russian townspeople were visited by the sultan. Later, the place was the garden city of Said Pasha in the Tuna Baalar.

Hebrew community in the history of the city of Ruse, is recorded that for a tourist event, the city was festive decorated. And a rider fires cannon announced the arrival of the sultan, who appeared on the road dinstre Silistra on a horse, accompanied by his entourage and the crowd cheered. The reception was held at “A Megdan” in the south-west of the city, quite close to the port. Each community was established in the head a ceremony clerics. Hebrew scribes were specially dressed for this purpose uniforms and flags.

Sultan Mahmud II remained in Ruse six days. He inspected the barracks, ammunition depots, fortifications, schools, mosques, hospitals. He listened to the complaints of citizens of different nationalities and was informed of the needs of the population.
Finally he has published the decree, which declares the empire padishah desire to exist in peace and understanding understanding among all citizens without distinction of origin or religion.

Decree sounds as if the Sultan had “forgotten” the bloody repression of the revolt of test Northwestern Bulgaria in 1835, known as Conspiracy Velkovo and rural uprisings Nishko, Pirotsko, Berkovsko and Belogradishko.

Before leaving, Sultan Mahmud II inspected and military maneuvers. In lcul where the rifle was fired, the city erected a memorial column of marble with an inscription that tells of his visit. The monument, known as Mahmud Column, is one dinre columns Sultan Mahmud II.

It is a cylindrical column of marble with inscriptions in Arabic. Words carved in stone by unsurpassed in his mastery calligrapher Mustafa Izzet, loaded rhythm and music and poetry are a high mode.

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