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The Protected Area “Kaylaka”, PlevenCod 2241

The park “Kailaka” is situated at the south from the center of the city Pleven. This has been declared a protected area at the initiative of the general Ivan Vinarov. It is rich in many species of animals and protected plants.
This is situated in the karstic Valley purslane on approximately 10 thousands of hectares. The natural canyon of the river is the home for a rich flora and a fauna and diverse unique plants for Bulgaria and for the Balkans, in the case in which there are found, as well as many birds and mammals included in the Red Book of Bulgaria. There lived pre-historical animals and other creatures with millions of years ago, and in most part the chalkstone rock there are still visible ancient aquatic visible fossil organisms. With the clear sight there can be seen a decline in the world’s oceans over the millenniums in the shape of stories in rocks and in numerous caves.
The park offers a unique combination of opportunities fro walking, of recreation and of divertissement. The abrupt rocks, of over 40 – 50 meters are wonderful for practicing the alpinism. There are ponds and barrages, boats and pedal boats, pools, hotels, bars, coffee shops, restaurants, discotheques, playgrounds, tennis fields, zoo and a unique restaurant, built entirely in a cave. The park is, also, a summer theatre of Pleven and there also exists the Wine Museum from Bulgaria.
At the beginning of the park, there are the ruins of the ancient citadel Storgozia. There are 3 small barrages (including the historical name “Totlebenov ax”) and artificial ponds.

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