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The Landscape Park Little Bulgaria, ZhelezartsiCod 2560

The landscape Park Little Bulgaria is located 19 km of Strazhitsa, at the intersection of Kesarevo village and exit to the Zhelezartsi village, Veliko Tarnovo region. The park area is marked with signs on the main road Sofia – Varna and the the targets are located on both sides of the road. The Park on the roadside is a great place for nature walks and an unforgettable experience of relaxation for the whole family with remarkable views. The park has space for camping and picnics and barbecue facilities.

The existence of the park is noted for each passenger passing, crossing the distance between Sofia and Varna, seeking interesting place for recreation in the region of Veliko Tărnovo, near the intersection of Kesarevo village and exit to the Zhelezarci village Given the heavy car traffic and passenger flow increased throughout the year, theis choise is quite logical for fabrication of various attractive elements, close to the road; otherwise the wild desert roadside would not be so attractive, especially at first glance.

The name of the park is not a random choice. On an area of about 50 acres is such a variety of landscapes, flora and sights, that only small Bulgaria can offer you. As part of the “Middle Yantra” eco-area, the park is merled with red signs placed on the road. The parking especcially built facilitates the easy finding a place to stop. The coolness of old trees, the freshness of cold clear water from the fountain and small ponds, confortable oriels and wooden pitoresque bridges – these are just some of the generous offers from “Little Bulgaria”.

If you are a true lover of ecotourism, and you decide to know the beauty of the park, you need to allow at least one day. The resting places buil turned the roadside park into an area a wonderful area for walking and leisure enjoyable for the whole family. Plentiful games for kids – in the fresh air of nature, authentic and beautiful views of the natural landscape, exploring the flora, wild and lush greenery, campsites and picnic opportunities for a barbecue – a combination of delight both for soul and for the body.

A nice place for recreation, camping, picnic and rest on the road of Veliko Tarnovo – Antonovo.

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