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Yurdan Hadzhipetkov’s House, ElenaCod 2581

The house of Yurdan Hadzhipetkov is a monument of local importance, located on 2nd “Ilarion Makariopolski” Str. and differs from the most of the houses of Elena City due to its façade. It was built on a stone foundation and it burned during the Liberation War. It is a two floors house with the ground floor walls made of brick. The entire outside wall facing the street is made of beautiful well shaped stones. The ground floor consists of a large shop with two entrances facing the street, three living rooms, basement and entrance hall and the upper floor is residential. The big bright rooms are distinctive for the wealthy families.

In the courtyard is preserved the house of Yordan Hadzhipetkov’ father (inherited from his grandfather Hadzhi Todor), where the writer Petko Jordanov Todorov was born. It has one storey to the courtyard and two to the river. The construction is made of wood boards and it has a broad roof. The outer wall facing the river is not covered with plaster blending in with the river in a typical characteristic of Elena town.
Between the houses is located a monument of the prominent Bulgarian writer. In the same house was born the sister of Petko Yordanov Todorov – Mina, known from Yavorov’s work.

Short biography of Yurdan Todorov Hadzhipetkov
He was born on January 5th, 1848 in Elena, son of Hadzhi Petko Hadzhitodorov and Tsona Nikolova Momchilova. His father was the descendent of one of the oldest families in Elena whose father – Topal Todor, lived in the 17th century. Even today it is kept the “Natural covenant ” of Hadzhi Todor – the nephew of the founder Topal Todor and the grandfather of Yurdan Hadzhitodorov, who, after donaiting its heritage to his inheritors, with an extraordinary generosity for the Renaissance, donates 5000 bani to the school in Elena and 5000 to one church and 2000 to another and a few hundreds to the two monasteries in Elena.
Yurdan Todorov’s mother – Tson, the sister of the famous Renaissance educator and writer Ivan N. Momtchilov – founder of the famous Daskalolivnitsa of Elena. There he studied from the great writers – Ivan N. Momtchilov Nikola Mihajlovski – Mihaylovski’s father, Yurdan Nenov – later Professor Ivan Vazov, Nikifor Popkonstantinov and others. Then, the curious teenager is sent from Robert College in Istanbul. The thirst for education and knowledge made Yurdan Todorov to learn Turkish, Russian, French and English. Istanbul is experiencing dynamic of a life abroad for the period before the liberation of Elena.
Yurdan Robert Todorov did not graduate the college because of lung disease. The doctor advised him to leave school and go home and become a hunter: to walk around the mountains of Helen, to sit in the fresh air. Todorov left the city with great sadness, but also saved hid health.
In 1867 she was married to Roza Hadzhihristova – one of the daughters of the champion from Elena Hadzhi Hristo Hadzhistoyanov Mihajlovski – older brother of Hilarion Makariopolski and scientist Nikola Mihaylovski.
Young Yurdan Todorov drew the attention of the Ottoman rulers in Turnovo, who according to the polivy of the sultan since the mid-nineteenth century and especially after the Crimean War, endeavor to use rich, respected and trained Bulgarians to have more power and thus to distroy the Ottoman domination. These movements are made very smart and targeted for Bulgarians actually qualified, especially among important Bulgarian landowners , and could not hide the transparency of the Ottoman domination intentions. From Elena are placed in high positions Yurdancho three brothers, Ivan Hadzhinikolovi Pencho and Nikola Bakalov and Mihaylovski. Yurdan Todorov was elected in 1876 as a member of Tarnovo District Court and, as such, is included as a member of the special committee, judging the participants to the April Revlution from Tarnovo District.
The Court is the beginning of his political activity. He enthusiastically welcomed Bulgaria’s Liberation, Yurdan Todorov was elected – at almost 30 – the first mayor of freed Elena city. But he was a mayor only for one year – VRU appointed him governor of Ruse. In this position he remained until the abolition of provinces with the 1880 law on the administrative division of the Principality of Bulgaria.
The following year, Yurdan Todorov is one of the twelve members of the newly created Council of State. Here, he is a member along with his wife’s uncle Nikola Mihaylovski.
The illness and death of his father in September 1884 accelerated the decision to return to Elena. And he returns.
Although he returned to Elena and remain there, this did not not stop Yurdan Todorov’s public activity. More than 40 years he was a member of Elena municipality, for many years a member of “Progress”culture house management, including president, he held more seats in the National Assembly, was elected a member of the electoral college of Elena. He has applied and his candidacy as independent by the population of Elena. Todorov did not adhere to any political party.
One of the richest men in Turnovo district, he lives in his own home with the exceptional care of four children: Petko – the future writer, Hristo – the future professor of philosophy and sociology, and Nikola and Mina, immortalized in the poetry of P. Yavorov.
When today one studies in detail his life Yurdan Todorov, is strucked by the great capacity of acting in his everyday life as landowner, his banking operations, his continuous improvement and his awareness as a Deputy. As a city leader he is always a member of the delegations of representation and so on.
Yurdan Todorov died in 931, at 83 surviving with his wife and two children – Petko and Mina who died away from their house. His ash is kept by the city in the yard of the “Birth of Mary Virgin” Church.

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