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Architectural Park Complex “The Castle”, BalchikCod 2005

Architectural park complex “Castle” is situated above 2 km south-west from Balcic, 40 km north-east from Varna and represents a complex of villas and other buildings located on the Black Sea. After south Dobrogea reunification in 1940,, the castle falls within the borders of Bulgaria and around it the academician Daki Jordanov has built the famous Botanical garden of 194 acres. The complex has become one of the main attractions on the north coast and it is included in the one hundred sights list.
At the beginning of the 20th century the southwest area of the town of Balchik is known as “The three mills” and as state forest of Kulak. In the Romanian records, after the occupation, are recorded property documents of people with Bulgarian names issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property. There is evidence for “free transfer of land” and other documents dating back in 1935 stating that, according to the Law on land reform in the Romanian Kingdom, in the same year, the queen receives ownership documents on lands and buildings and it is added that ” “Estate prices and taxes related to its sale are fully paid.” The area owned by the monarchy was gradually increased. In 1937, the possessions are already extending to over 209.8 acres, and in 1938 their surface increased further and reached 244.8 acres.
The ensemble of villas of the summer residence of the Romanian Queen was designed by the Italian architects Amerigo and Augustino, ad the construction take place in 1924-1934. The Botanical Garden was built in 1955 by the academician Yordanov of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. In the years of occupation, in Balcic, many aristocrats and Romanian intellectuals were buying places, Including the famous Cecilia Cutescu-Stork. They are often invited to the royal residence, making from the Palace a cultural center.
On 7 September 1940 the tsar Boris III, with international support, manages to conclude the Treaty of Craiova and to return Balchik a and the entire Dobrogea to Bulgaria. In 1948, through an interstate agreement between Romania and Bulgaria the land is allocated to Bulgarian party for administration. In 1970 was signed an treaty between People’s Republic of Bulgaria and the Socialist Republic of Romania, in order to transfer the ownership over several buildings, including the entire land and all buildings of the former castle of Balchik. Today, the castle is well preserved and restored permanently, and after ’80 sit has trensformed into a remrcable touristical centre.

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