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“Saint George the Overcomer” Church, PlevenCod 2221

The Mausoleum – Chapel “Saint George” was built in the period 1903 – 1907, in the memory of the Russian and Romanian soldiers who fell in the battles from near Pleven during the times of the Russian – Turkish war 1877/1878. The construction proposal is presented to the czar Alexander the IInd the Liberator on […]

The Wine Museum, PlevenCod 2220

It is located in the central part of Kaylaka Park, in a natural cave surrounded by greenery and having the shape of St. George’ s cross. The museum was inaugurated in September 2008 and was the result of the collaboration between Bulgaria and French oenologists; it covers an area of approximately 650sq.m and its collection […]

Museum House “His Royal Majesty Karol I”, PordimCod 2219

As a token of gratitude to the Russian and Romanian soldiers who took part in the war 1877-1878, a museum was build. It is situated in a house built after the war, where the headquarters had been of the Romanian troops and Karol I, during the siege of Pleven.

Museum House Tsar Liberator II, PlevenCod 2218

The house of Ivan Vatsov – a tradesman from Pleven, was built on the eve of the Russo-Turkish war 1877-1878. With its rich furniture it is a typical house of the Bulgarian national revival. On 11th December 1877 the Russian emperor Alexander II was given a warm welcome in that house and he was given […]

Roman Colonia Ulpia Oescus, GigenCod 2217

It is located in the north-western part of Bulgaria, near the mouth of the Iskar River at its confluence with the Danube River, close to the Romanian town Corabia (Olt County). The ruins of the ancient Roman settlement are located near Gigen, next to the Iskar River delta.

Memorial of Edward and Elisabeth Haskell, PordiumCod 2216

Edward and Elisabeth Haskell were American missionaries who arrived in the village of Pordim in the beginning of 20th century. The couple helped the local people to gain skills in the winery, gardening, woodwork, silk culture and livestock breeding for the men, and cooking and tailoring for the women. They also educated the children while […]

Monument of Vasil Levski, PlevenCod 2215

Vasil Levski is a national hero of Bulgaria. He is an ideologue and organizer of the Bulgarian national revolution, founder of the Internal Revolutionary Organization (IRO). Also known as the Apostle of Freedom, for organizing and developing the revolutionary network liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman rule. Travels the country and creates a private revolutionary committees […]

Monument Mother Bulgaria, PlevenCod 2214

The monument was build for the 100 years anniversary since the freedom of Bulgaria. It is located at entrance of the “Skobelev” park-museum. The statue is made by the sculptor Dimitar Boykov and the architect Atanas Atanasov. It represents a composition of a woman figure, tearing apart slave chains, and 27m height tree made from […]

Outdoor Exposition “Neolithic House”, TelishCod 2213

Outdoor Exposition “Neolithic House” owes a lot to certain findings of Sweedish archaeologists in 2000. They found many human remains dating from the Neolithic, the fifth century BC, and a series of household tools, which show the presence of a complex human settlement in this area.

The Art Gallery “Ilia Beshkov”, PlevenCod 2212

Starting with the year 1958, at the initiative of the artists from the city, as a branch of the History Museum – Pleven, is accommodated in a space specially built, the Art gallery “Ilia Beshkov” in 1978, on the blvd. “Skobelev” no. 1. The permanent exhibit of the Art Gallery “Ilia Beshkov” offers an idea […]
