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The Protected Area “Kaylaka”, PlevenCod 2241

The park “Kailaka” is situated at the south from the center of the city Pleven. This has been declared a protected area at the initiative of the general Ivan Vinarov. It is rich in many species of animals and protected plants. This is situated in the karstic Valley purslane on approximately 10 thousands of hectares. […]

The Natural Park Persina, NikopolCod 2240

“Persina” has been founded by the Order No. RD – 684 of 04.12.2000 by the Ministry of the Environment and of the Waters and it is one of the youngest natural parks from Bulgaria. It is situated on the territory of three Danube municipalities Nicopole, Svishtov and Belene, with a total surface of 21.762, 2 […]

The Shishman Park, PlevenCod 2239

On the bank of the Danube, approximately 4 km (2.5 miles) from the town, known for its extremely well preserved and clean ecology.

Shishman’s FortressCod 2238

The medieval Shishman’s Fortress, popularly known as the Shishmanovo Kale or Bash Tabia Kale

Monument of Victory, NikopolCod 2237

On the Eastern hill above Nikopol sits the Monument of Victory, commemorating the 1,300 Russian and Romanian soldiers who fell during the liberation of Bulgaria in 1877. This monument was constructed in 1906, and has beautiful views of the Danube river.

General Lavrov Park and Museum, Gorni DubnikCod 2236

Heavy battles were fought here during the War of Liberation. Southwest of the village is General Lavrov Park and Museum, laid out in the locality, related to one of the most crucial periods of the siege of Pleven. A great number of Russian soldiers, headed by commander Colonel Lavrov, perished in the battles. Monuments of […]

Memorial of Pope John Paul II in Belene, BeleneCod 2235

The memorial was inaugurated on 15 November 2014. Belene is the hometown of the catholic priest Evgeniy Bosilkov – one of the four Bulgarian martyrs announced by the pope to be beatific during his visit to Bulgaria in 2001.

The Straight Stone Near Petokladentsi Village, PetokladentsiCod 2234

This is a pagan monument reconsidered as a Christian.

Ancient Canals Garlata, BeleneCod 2233

Most historians believe that these canals were built to drain the swamps or to attract school of fish to spawn.

Old Roman Stone Bridge, BalgareneCod 2232

It was built during XVI century.
