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Park Shavarna, LevskiCod 2231

Park Shavarna is a woodland crossed by the meanders of river Osam. It has a park hotel, a restaurant and bungalows.

Community Center Georgi Partsalev, PlevenCod 2230

The community center was established on 15.12.1901. The current building was established in 1964 with the name “Prosveta”. Afterwards it was renamed to Georgi Partsalev Community Center in honour of the great and famous Bulgarian actor Georgi Partsalev.

The Old Bridge on the River Vit near Pleven, PlevenCod 2229

The events during the period of the Bulgarian National Revival and the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 take a special place in the rich history of Pleven. It was a time of economic progress, intense development of urban and rural infrastructure, bloom of cultural and educational activities, active participation in ecclesiastical uprisings and war for national […]

The Museum of Hunting and Fishing Association, PlevenCod 2228

The association was created in 1891 under the name “The hunter”. The main activities of the hunting association were the fighting against the predators and poaching, as well as organizing shooting competitions (shooting glass balls and live pigeons in particular made rules). In 1930 the association bought the house of the businessman Metsoloou in the […]

The Regional History Museum, PlevenCod 2227

The museum contains a rich history of many centuries of the city Pleven and the establishments from the adjacent area, which dates back from 50 – 45000 BC. It is situated in a central location in the plain of the Danube, typical for the region and it has a rich geological past. There are found […]

Drama Theatre Ivan Radoev, PlevenCod 2226

The established in 1919 Drama Theatre Ivan Radoev is located in the center of the pedestrian area. Ever since it has been established the theater has played an important part in the cultural life of Pleven and Bulgaria. The theater in Pleven was set up 84 years ago but its beginning should be traced in […]

Bulgarian National Revival Complex, PlevenCod 2225

The Revival complex is the last place in Pleven which have preserved the architecture of the Revival period. It is situated at the very center of the town. Interesting fact about the complex is that rather than exposing history museum expositions, the local people and the town guests are welcomed by authentic home decoration and […]

Church “Holy Trinity”, PlevenCod 2224

“Holy Trinity” is a church in the town of Pleven. In 1870 residents of Upper Pleven consider building a new temple. Originally built church cell that serves for nearly 40 years of religious activities for school children from the area. Fundraiser for the temple began in 1873, but political and financial reasons delaying construction for […]

House Museum “Stoyan and Bohuslav”Cod 2223

South of the house-museum “Stoyan and Bohuslav” on paved with slabs alley visitors pass under the original tunnel of vines and fruit trees and stop trembling before the memorial tomb of the father and son Zaimovi. Built in 1960 on drafts of sculptor George Kotzev and architect Boris Markov. The base of the tomb is […]

Roman Military Castle Dimum, BeleneCod 2222

The remains of Roman military castle “Dimum” are located in the northern part of town of Belene (north of the “Vasil Levski” school). In the I-st century Dimum was a very important point of the Roman province of Moesia. Even during the regime of the first Roman Emperor Augustus the fortress was the most north-eastern […]
