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The Alexandria Train Station, AlexandriaCod 1517

The Alexandria Train Station HAS SURVIVED SINCE 1895, going through two wars and an earthquake, without time or calamities affecting its facade. The location of the station is the only building in town looking the same even after a century since its founding. Same as all of the other streets in Alexandria, it was designed […]

The Building of Secondary School No. 5, AlexandriaCod 1516

In 1836, the merchants settled on the Băcăianca estate, the founders of today’s town, founded the first school. The institution had the name of the teacher who taught here: father Tudorache. „Tudorache’s school” was the first school in Alexandria, who was the basis of the secondary and then high school who will get, a few […]

The Ruins of the Turris Roman Fortress, AlexandriaCod 1515

The history of the fortress dates to the Roman era, from emperor Traian’s time. To Turris, important fortress in the battles with the Turkish people, we also tie Constantin cel Mare’s name as well as that of Mircea cel Bătrân. Legends say that under the fortress a tunnel would lie connecting it to the other […]

The Metallic Bridge over the River Vedea, AlexandriaCod 1514

The metallic bridge over the river Vedea has been inaugurated in the year 1905, being the first bridge of this type built in the area. The structure has a length of over 90 meters, being built of concrete, in its resistance component also entering the metal. The bridge is frequently represented by postal card, as […]

The Zarzara House, AlexandriaCod 1513

The Zarzara Memorial House from Alexandria is used in this moment as a Children’s Palace for extra-curricular actions. In the past, the house was the headquarters of a polyclinic. The Zarzara memorial house was built in the year 1906, together with the celebration of the royal jubilee. The proof that the building up of the […]
