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The Medieval Church „St. Petka“, DraganitsaCod 2165

The Medieval Church “St. Petka” is located in the highest part of the village Draganitsa to rural cemeteries. It is not known when it was built, but not exactly according to verified information, it was “around 1660”. It is known that in this church in 1870 Vasil Levski held a meeting. It seems that over the centuries the church has undergone several upgrades. Covered with sloped, wood, and over the open narthex from west a small belfry. Murals inside not only here and there from under the lime paint noticed fragments, but they were painted relatively late and have little artistic value. The biggest impression in the temple makes the iconostasis, made in 1869, with its well-decorated icons. With over the years are quite faded and dingy, in need of restoration. Church creates a special mood completely statement or blend with the authentic atmosphere of the picturesque village Draganitsa.

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