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Menhir – Golesh VillageCod 2427

The menhir near the Golesh village is known as the Written Rock or Yazal Tash. It is a white limestone rock of about 1 m.  It is flattened on one side and has a niche on top. Its edge was most probably broken. Menhirs are considered places of worship and ritual sacrifices. The name comes from the ancient language in Bretonnia, where “men” means “rock” and “hir” – long, long rock. Menhir is the father of all religious monuments. It is the oldest man-made, in some way connected with ancient beliefs. A stone upright with a phallic-shaped. The menhir is widely spread in Western Europe, but it is also present in Baikal in Siberia, the Urals, all the way to South West Africa. The oldest menhirs date back from the 4th millennium BC / Neolithic age/

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