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The Ensemble of the Court of the Coțofeni, Coțofenii din FațăCod 1313

From the historical point of view, the Ensemble of the Court of the Coțofeni and the House of the Coțofeni date back to the middle of the XVIIIth century, being included on the list of historical monuments in the year 2004. Currently, this mansion presents an advanced state of deterioration. The building doesn’t have doors, […]

The Bust of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, CetateCod 1312

The bust was built up in the memory of Alexandru Ioan Cuza. Born in Bârlad, Cuza belonged to the traditional class of aristocrats from Moldavia, being the son of the sub-prefect Ioan Cuza and of the Sultan, member of the family Cozadini of Phanariot origin. Alexandru received an European education, becoming an officer in the […]

Citadel Cultural Port, Between Calafat and Turnu SeverinCod 1311

It is situated on the border of the Danube, between Calafat and Turnu Severin, on the place in which, starting with 1880 until the middle of the past century, there functioned an agricultural port from where there was exported corn and floor towards Budapest, Vienne and the German Danube cities. In 1997, the imposing building […]

Saint John Chrysostom Church, CerătCod 1310

The church from Cerăt has the titular saint of Saint John Chrysostom. Saint John Chrysostom was born in Antiohia, the year of his birth being situated between 344 and 354. He was baptized at the age of 20 and he studied philosophy, under the guidance of Andragatiu, and the rhetoric with Libaniu. He was ordained […]

The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, CelaruCod 1309

The church was built between the years 1891 – 1896 and has as titular saint the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on the 21st of November. This celebration is known among the people under the name of Vovidenia or Ovedenia. The parents of Virgin Mary, […]

Cârcea Monastery, CoşoveniCod 1308

The monastery Cârcea is a Christian – Orthodox monastery from the homonym locality. It even exists a big stone cross with Cyrillic inscriptions, at a distance of 15 m. from the altar of the current church which certifies the fact that in this place there existed, centuries ago, a monastic place. The old men from […]

The Bust of Tudor Vladimirescu, CalafatCod 1306

The bust was built up in the memory of Tudor Vladimirescu. It was born in the village Vladimiri (Gorj), in a family of freeholders. He studied and he learned the Greek language in the house of the aristocrat Ioniță Glogoveanu, from Craiova, who made from the intelligent, and the qualified administrator property boy and who […]

The Monument of the Heroes from Calafat, CalafatCod 1305

The Monument of the Heroes from Calafat from the First World War, was the work of the sculptor Dumitru Mățăoanu, inaugurated on the 7th of November 1923, on the occasion on which there were also distributed the title deeds to the veterans from the Campaign 1916 – 1918 and of the war widows. The monument […]

The Bust of Sima Pasaretz, CalafatCod 1304

The bust was built up in the honor of Sima Pasaretz. The dimensions of the bust: 55 x 70 cm. Execution technique: founding – patina artificial stone. The execution year: 2008. The bust was executed by Tudorel Predan. Born on the date of the 16th of October 1958 in the locality Calafat, the county of […]
