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The Grecescu Church, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1480

“Saint John the Baptyst” Church, also known by the names of its founders – “Grecescu”, is situated in the proximity of the former hospital which also bore the name of “Grecescu Hospital”. Initially, the founder intended to build the church in the center of the city and to name it the “Episcopacy of Severin”, fact […]

The Statue of Apollo Belvedere, GiurgiuCod 1066

The statue of Apollo Belvedere is one of the acknowledged historical monuments at the level of the county of Giurgiu. It was built in the XIXth century. Apollo from Belvedere is a famous antique sculpture made of marble. It was rediscovered in the XIXth century in Terracina. Currently, it is situated in the court of […]

The Monument of the Heroes, VedeaCod 1065

In the center of the village there is found the monument built up as a tribute for the heroes who fell in the Second World War (1941 – 1945). This monument was built up in the year 1998 on the date of the 28th of May, with the help of the citizens from the commune […]

The City Hall from VedeaCod 1064

Among the oldest buildings from the village we mention the building called “Mansion”. It is over 100 years old. Here, in 1878, on the way to Bucharest there was accommodated for a night Osman Pașa, taken as prisoner by the Romanian army. The room in which the Turkish general slept bears the name of the […]

Saint Pantelimon Church VedeaCod 1063

The church is built in the year 1835 by the Apostle Arsache, who, being a good entrepreneur, bought the Salinas, earning an impressive fortune on the basis of whim he builds the church which bears the titular saint of “Saint Pantelimon”. The church was built up in the memory of his son Gheorghe who commits […]

The Horses Kingdom, VarlaamCod 1062

The Riding Club, located south to the south of the capital,  covers an area of ​​6.5 ha and offers a variety of facilities –  neat spaces, airy, bright, clean barns. The stable covers a total surface of over 1100 square meters and has 38 speakers, 16 speakers have external access. In addition it is equipped […]

Ioan Rusu Monastery, SloboziaCod 1061

The st Ioan Rusul Monastrey has been founded on 1st of November 2008 on the ruins of a former military unit of the Police Border in Giurgiu.  It is located outside Slobozia, a commune located just a few steps from the Danube. Nearby is a centuries-old oak forest, today in possession of the newly established monastery. […]

The Church Obedeni, ObedeniCod 1060

The church Obedeni, with the titular saint of Saint Nicholas, Forty Martyr Saint Dimitrie and Saint Paraschave was built by Maria Georgead, Michail Obedenaru, Dimitrie Michailhescu, Stan Dumitru, Marin Dumitru, Nicolau, Stan Radu, in the year 1870, in the period of Carol I, as it is mentioned on the inscription of the church. The first […]

The Ruins of the Mansion Radu Șerban, MironeștiCod 1059

The mansion represented the place of the residence for the family of the voivode Radu Șerban. Radu Șerban came, on the mother’s side, from the old family of aristocrats of Craiovești. Some historical sources state the fact that he was the nephew of Neagoe Basarab (who would have had, besides Teodosie, another son, named Șerban). […]

St. Nicholas Monastery, MironestiCod 1058

St. Nicholas Monastery, Mironesti, the county of Goștinari, declared a historic monuments and religious architecture category A , is an office for worship considered as of the few medieval monuments of the Romanian Plain retaining its original architecture. Currently, the parish was transformed into a monastery of nuns with  the monastic community life,  dependent by […]
