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Delta Neajlovului MonasteryCod 1007

“DELTA NEAJLOVULUI” MONASTERY, is one of the largest monasteries in southern Romania. It received the statute of abbey in 2005 and was built after 1990. The history of the monastery begins in the late 90’s,  with a walk of Archimandrite Father Irenaeus (Irineu) – then abbot of the monastery Comana on the bank of Neajlovului […]

Comana Natural Park, ComanaCod 1006

Dating –2004 Location – Comana, Giurgiu County History and Description Comana Natural Park was found in 2004 and it is located in the south of Romania, at a distance equal to the distance between Bucharest and Giurgiu. The park founding decision was adopted based on the technical and scientific documentation developed since 1954 by the […]

Saint Peter and Paul Church, CetateaCod 1005

The church from the Citadel was built in the year 1864 and it has the shape of a cross and it has as titular saints the Saints Peter and Paul. The Holy Apostle Peter – son of Iona and the father of the Apostle Andrew, was born in Bethsaida Galilee. His Hebrew name was Simon, […]

The Mihai Viteazu Monument, CălugăreniCod 1004

The monument was inaugurated on August 13, 1995 in the memory of those who four centuries ago, in Călugăreni, under the leadership of Mihai Viteazu, sacrificed their lives to come Romania up. The Monument was built with the help of Mihai Viteazul Foundation. The battle of Calugareni took place on 23rd August (August 13th according to the […]

The Saint Voivodes Church, CălugăreniCod 1003

The church was built in the year 1938, on the expense of Ilie Stoian and of his wife, Aneta. The church was built up for the eternal memorial of the heroes who fell in the fight against the pagans, for defending the country and of the ancestral belief. At the end of the XIXth century, […]

Statue of Mihai ViteazuCod 1002

The equestrian Statue of  Mihai Viteazul in Giurgiu was carried out at the initiative of  the Mayor of Giurgiu, Lucian Iliescu, a plastic artist from Constanta, who also carried out the equestrian Statue of Mihai Viteazu in Navodari, inaugurated on 15 August 2011, as replica of the statue of Mihai Viteazul from Bucharest. The mayor’s intention […]

The Cross of the GranariesCod 1001

It was built in the year 1878 and it is located in the locality Călugăreni. At the end of the XIXth century, the commune had the name of Uzunu, it was part of the hundred of Câlniștea of the county of Vlașca, and it was formed by the villages Călugăreni-Vartiade, Uzunu, Buturugari, Călugăreni-Moșteni and Călugărenii […]
