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The Stone Cross of Michael The Brave, CalugareniCod 1017

Prince Serban Cantacuzino had a spectacular stone cross erected, right on the place where the battle was won in 1682. On the inner sides of the cross can be seen the fight carried by the prince. As time passed, a village has arisen close to the monument,  now called the Stone Cross, part of Calugareni […]

The Annunciation of the Lord Monastery, Bolintin-ValeCod 1016

In Muntenia, there was a geographical space, around the city Bolintin-Vale, which was situated, throughout the history, at the crossroads and borders of the counties Vlașca, Teleorman, Dâmbovița, Ilfov and Giurgiu. This place, as in a real “country of rivers”, is bathed by the waters of Sabar, Argeș, Ilfovăț, Neajlov and Dâmbovnic. The archeological research […]

The Assumption of Mary Church, BudeniCod 1015

The church was built around the year 1882 and it has as a titular saint the Assumption of Mary. The shape of the church is the type of a cross. In the Byzantine icons and in the occidental medieval art, it is sometimes met the image of Mother of Jesus on the death bed, surrounded […]

Comana Airfield, ComanaCod 1014

Average land category, hard plasticity, depth of frost 0.9-1 m, first groundwater 12 m, macro-seismic area F. Airspace class  (C/CTR , G, LRR/D): G Runway orientation: 24/6 Runway inclination: 17 grade NV-SE Dominant winds: East direction (21,2%), West direction (16,3%) Runway quota center: 49 masl Runway length (distance between thresholds): 517 m The useful width: […]

Heroes Mausoleum, ComanaCod 1013

In the autumn of 1916, in the Comana Monastery, the German troops began the construction of a cemetery campaign. In this cemetery were buried 516 heroes including: – Romanian-417 unidentified and 4 identified; – German-13 unidentified; – Bulgarian-51 unidentified; – Turkish-31 unidentified. In 1919 the „Cultul Eroilor“ Organization decided to build a mausoleum in the […]

Comana Monastery, ComanaCod 1012

Dating – 1461   Comana Monastery is a religious edifice included in the list of historical monuments in Romania built by Vlad Tepes in 1461, with the role of monastery-fortress (ruined by the end of the sixteenth century). The place where the monastery was built was once an island in the middle of the marshes […]

The monument of the heroes, ComanaCod 1011

The monument was built up in the memory of the ones who lost their lives in the war for the independence, in the First World War and in the Second World War. Following the war for the independence, Romania achieved the independence against the Ottoman Empire. On the 16th of April 1877, the United Principalities […]

Memorial House Naum Gellu, ComanaCod 1010

Located in Comana, the Memorial House „Gellu Naum“ is actually the summer house of the great surrealist poet, which is preserved as it was, back in time, when Gellu Naum spent his summers here. This place was for writer a withdrawal into his own universe of creation, isolation from the external social and political context […]

Comana Adventures Park, ComanaCod 1009

ADVENTURES COMANA PARK has 6 routes for children, 3 for adults of progressive difficulty (easy, medium and difficult), a zip line over the lake and a zip waterfall lines. The park includes a number of suspended elements at different heights, elements to be covered using the proper equipment, by crossing or climbing.   Prices 50 […]

Comana Lake, ComanaCod 1008

Comana Lake is located on the outskirts of the commune of the same name. Although it has a depth of 4.5 m, the lake covers an area not too large, about 600 hectares invaded by vegetation. The lake is a natural one. Fishing is allowed only to those who accommodate at Casa Comana, through the […]
