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The Porțile de Fier Museum, Porțile de FierCod 1471

The Hydro-energetic and Navigation system Porțile de Fier I, symbol of the Romanian energetic, proof of the Romanian – Yugoslavian collaboration, was inaugurated on the 16th of May 1972. The Museum of the Hydroelectric Power Plant was opened in 1976, presenting general characteristics of the Danube, the hydrological data, material testimonies of the human establishments […]

The Porțile de Fier Monument, Porțile de FierCod 1470

The system Porțile de Fier I is one of the biggest hydro technical constructions from Europe and the biggest from the Danube, with an installed power of 2235 MW. Its barrier lake with a volume of over 2200 million mc is extended from the barrier until the confluence with the Tisa River. In the year […]

The Grand Romania Monument of the HeroesCod 1469

The monument was built up in the honor of the heroes fallen on the Alion heights in October 1916, being inaugurated on the 1st of December 1993, after 75 years from the foundation of the Grand Romania. The First World War meant for Romania, the execution of the national ideal, the unification of the people. […]

The Mraconia Monastery, Cazanele DunăriiCod 1468

The Mraconia Monastery was built up on the place of a former observation and supervision point of the ships from the Danube, because thanks to the architecture of the relief, by the bluntness from place to place of the defile there couldn’t pass simultaneously two ships. This maximum bluntness and broadening of the river received […]

Saint Gheorghe Church, HinovaCod 1467

The Congregation Hinova is formed by three suburbs – Seliștea, Urziștea and Rudaria, named therefore because of the fact that is formed only from cloth, layer, spoon and skirts masters. The two suburbs Urziștea and Rudaria are separated from the suburb Saliștea from the creek named until the year 1965 when its channel was concreted, […]

The Assumption of Mary Church, Gura VăiiCod 1466

The Assumption of Mary Church from the locality Gura Văii was built in the XXth century following the needs of the inhabitants of having a place of worship. This was executed with the support of the inhabitants. Gura Văii is a component locality of the municipality Drobeta Turnu Severin from Oltenia. Here was built the […]

The Monastery Gura Motrului, Gura MotruluiCod 1465

The Monastery Gura Motrului is found built up close to an ancient monastic skete. According to the tradition of the place, the oldest skete would have been built by the Pious Saint Nicodim the Sainted, somewhere around the end of the XIVth century. The wooden small church and the few sanctums of the skete were […]

Saint Calinic Church, Fântâna DomneascăCod 1464

It is believed that the church was initially built in the locality Văgiulești, from the county Gorj, in the year 1785, on the expenses of the steward Constantin Strâmbeanu. There is also another version, the one of bringing it from Maramureș, less probable, inspired probably by the atypical architecture for de wooden churches from Oltenia: […]

The Congregation Museum, EșelnițaCod 1463

The Congregation Museum Eșelnița was constituted in the period 1990 – 1996, because of the congregation priest Sever Negrescu and of the donors. It comprises patrimony goods of exceptional value, coming from the fireplaces of the former villages and churches situated throughout the Defile of the Danube: Tisovița, Plavisevița and Ogradena swallowed by the waters, […]

Saint Elijah Church, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1462

The foundation stone of the Saint Elijah Church was set in 1991, the works starting in 1992. They were interrupted for a period of time, being continued in the year 1998, currently the construction already being at the roof, the tower on the narthex being built entirely. The holy place of worship is projected in […]
