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Children’s Club, Turnu MăgureleCod 1557

Kids Club is located in front of CFR Rail Station and up to 1945 was the seat of the Chamber of Agriculture, ie in the interwar period, the national grain price was established in this building. The architecture of the building is one in Byzantine style with Rotonde, columns and engravings. Kids Club was founded […]

The House „Angelescu”, Turnu MăgureleCod 1556

House of Angelescu from Turnu Magurele is one of the most representative buildings in Teleorman County. The house was built in the nineteenth century. The home of Mrs. Elena St. Angelescu dominates the town’s central square by the breadth and richness of the architectural elements, one of the most beautiful architecture in the region. After […]

Saint Ecaterina Monastery, Tătărăștii de SusCod 1555

Fortress of the sun. This is how the erst inhabitants called the church and the medieval courts in brick, raised in Tătărăştii de Sus, settlement documented in 1538. The historical monument is called the ruins of the Bălăceanu courts, after the landowner family, to whom tradition attributes the foundation of the imposing building, starting with […]

The Ruins of the Bălăceanu Courts, Tătărăștii de SusCod 1554

On Ilie Moromete’s plains, where there were once the vast woods of Teleorman (the Găvanu-Burdea plain), lived the landowners’ family Hrizea Bălăceanu 300 years ago. Also, the entire northern part of Teleorman county is under the Bălăceanu family „signature”, a large number of the settlements here being named after them (Balaci) or keeping some vestige […]

The Museum of Ethnography, StejaruCod 1553

Ethnography is a science that classifies people of the world, it studies their composition, origin and spread, monitors the development in their material and spiritual culture, the morals and particularities of their way of life, their cultural and historical mutual ties etc. It is used in anthropology and some branches of sociology. The Ethnography Museum […]

Saint Fanurie Monastary, Siliștea GumeștiCod 1552

There were many monastaries in the are, long time ago; some of these have lated, some not. The beginnings of the Saint Fanurie Monastary, between Balaci and Siliștea-Gumești, are far before it actual reconstruction. The monastary did not have such a happy fate, due to the military movements in the area. Years back, here was […]

Marin Preda Memorial House, Siliștea GumeștiCod 1551

Marin Preda Memorial House is settled in the old school building in Siliştea-Gumesti, where Marin Preda studied. The building was constructed in 1910, in a period of development of educational institutions in the countryside. Marin Preda Memorial House was inaugurated in 1982. Inside can be found images of the writer Marin Preda, manuscripts and objects […]

The Wooden Church, SericuCod 1550

The church was raised in 7321 of the bizantine era, 1812-1813 of our era, in Osebiți-Blejești, on an estate. The church inscription, engraved on a wooden plaque, on which the church is datedm was demolished and is kept in the Bucharest Metropolitan storages. The tower over the porch is due to an 1883 restoration, the […]

The Zaharia Stancu Memorial House, SalciaCod 1549

The Zaharia Stancu Memorial House actually belonged to the writer’s sister, Lisaveta. The building was turned into a memorial house in 1994, displaying objects, documents, photos regarding the life and activity of poet and novel writer Zaharia Stancu (1902 – 1974) and now it also houses the communal library. In the first room of the […]

The Train Station, Roșiorii de VedeCod 1548

The train Station from Roșiorii de Vede is an historic monument built in 1889. In 1927, the royal family visited Roșiorii de Vede descending off the train in the historic train station. On 11 April 1944, the Ministry of Internal Affairs considers that within this station are organized sabotage actions against the German army. The […]
