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The History Museum, TervelCod 2050

Tervel city has always been a secure connection strong between the Danube and the Black Sea. Once Getae Thracian tribes lived here. According to the archaeological data from the Tervel land area today, there were seven Thracian settlements. In 1983, during excavations of a necropolis-mound between the villages and Orleak and Jeglartsi, was found fully preserved a skeleton of a man from the Early Bronze Age (year 3000 BC). Found coins, statues and other objects, speak of ancient history of this region. Are uncovered bronze coins from the time of Philip of Macedon, ceramic pots, carved from IV-III century BC, the Roman currency from the time of Mark Antony, coins minted by the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, and others. In the third century BC, the Tervel region is included in the province of Scythia Minor, the main city of Tomis (now Constanta).

The Thracian, Romanian, Byzantine, medieval, Ottoman, Renaissance and contemporary presence stratified culture and values. The high value of culture and History, the cognitive value of the unique monuments of ancient and medieval Bulgarian, transformed the architectural and archaeological reserves of the municipality of Tervel based on field research base for tourism products, “backbone culture” of present and “bridge” for transferring the values to future generations. Monuments of culture in the municipality are 376 (365 archaeological, historical and August 3 art).

Excavations so far have only been performed in the city ‘Roca’, close to Kladentsi village and archaeological discoveries form the majority of the exposure of the Town History Museum. The list includes numerous monuments of cultural tracian acropolis, 6 monuments and more. Of particular importance are the colony of rock monasteries of early Byzantine and old age in the Bulgarian “Suhata reka”.

These are some of the oldest monasteries documented, in the lands of the Lower Danube, in Dobrogea, the Balkans and Europe. Are located on the banks of the river Suha and neighboring valley (near Dumbraveni), greatest accent being next to Balik village (old Adina) and Onogurs village (old Palmatis).

Along with monuments, traditions and spirit of past generations are stored in a rich ethnographic collection of the Museum of History, as well as in numerous festivals and rituals associated with beliefs and values of local ethnic groups – Bulgarians, Turks, Roma and Tatars.

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