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The Church of Saint George, TufeniCod 1720

The church of St. George, dates from 1870, being listed as a historical monument, having a wall structure and the shape of a ship. The most important changes aimed the abode’s repairs made in 1870 and in 1950. Holy Martyr George was born in Cappadocia, of Christian parents. He lived in the time of Emperor […]

The Wooden Church „Cuvioasa Paraschiva“, Topana, GojgăreiCod 1719

The wooden church in Gojgărei was built on the current place in 1818 and is dedicated to «Saint Paraskevi”. It is distinguished by the sculpted decoration of the entrance portal, of the median waist, of the pillars from the porch and of the beams and consoles under the interior vaults. From the old painting of […]

Former Deleni Hermitage, Teslui, DeleniCod 1718

Former Deleni Hermitage dates from 1767. After Ion Ionaşcu’s specifications, the construction was accomplished in the years 1644-1648, by Drăguşin Deleanu – great cupberar. Visiting the region Ioan Slavici and arch. G. Mandrea found the tearing down of the building because of the collapse of the shore of the river Olt and appreciated that the […]

The Wooden Church of Saint Nicholas, Perieți, Perieții de JosCod 1717

The wooden church of Saint Nicholas, dates from 1857, being listed as a historical monument, having a wall structure and the shape of a ship. Saint Nicholas is celebrated on 6 December. Of Greek origin (Nikolaos), the name consists of two words: nike “victory” (from nikao “to defeat”), and laos, “people”and can also have the […]

The Wooden Church of „Assumption of the Virgin”, Perieți, MăguraCod 1716

The wooden Church of the Assumption of the Virgin, dates from 1732, being listed as a historical monument. The most important changes were focused on the abode’s repairs in 1798, 1930, 1966 and 1995, when it was, also, restored the painting. Assumption of the Virgin is the feast day in memory of the data Virgin […]

The „Saint Nicolas“Church, OrleaCod 1715

The church “Saint Nicholas” from Orlea village was built before 1842. Another source states that was built befor 1845, restored from wall between the years 1863 to 1864, on the site of a hovel church and repaired in 1894 and 1925. Old inscription tells us that the church and was built around 1863, being generally […]

The Church of Saint Paraskevi, Morunglav, Poiana MareCod 1714

The Church of Saint Paraskevi in Poiana Mare, dates from 1833, being listed as a historical monument. Founder of the church was Pătru Ceas. The main changes made to the abode were focused on the repairs from 1901 and of 1939, the restoration of the painting in 1941, and the consolidations after the earthquake in […]

The Church of the „ Holy Voivodes”, UlmiCod 1713

The church of the Holy Voivodes, dedicated to Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel dates from 1810, being listed as a historical monument. The founder of the church was nobleman Catargiu. The most important changes were aimed at restoring the sanctuary’s painting in1920 and 1988, and the reinforcements after the earthquake in 1977. Every year, on […]

Church of „Saint Demetrius”, Milcov DealCod 1712

Church of St. Demetrius in Milcov Deal, dates from 1781, being listed as a historical monument. Founder of the church was the equerry Matei Milcoveanu and Ion Polihrom. The church was completed in 1823. The main changes brought to the abode aimed the repairs from 1831, 1874, 1916 and of 1956. Saint Demetrios lived in […]

The Church of „ Assumption of the Virgin”, Leleasca, UrșiCod 1711

The church of “Assumption of the Virgin” in Leleasca, Urși, dates from 1814, being listed as a historical monument. The most important changes brought to the abode aimed at the restauration during from March to October 2001, involving plastering, painting and restoration of the painting. Assumption of the Virgin is the feast day in memory […]
