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Saint Andrew Church, FundeniCod 1284

Saint Andrew Church was built in the year 1732, by Radu the IIIrd Dudescu, a former great chancellor, and by his son, Constantin Dudescu. In the period in which Romania was under the communist regime, the church had much to suffer. In the premise of the noble manor, it was emplaced the headquarters of a […]

The Ensemble of the Courts of the Aristocrats Dudescu, FundeniCod 1283

The court from Frunzănești is the result of two stages of construction: in the first, which is situated most likely in the years 1714 – 1715, when Radu III Dudescu starts the edification of the church, but once it was realized the building, the works start for after a short period of time after the […]

The Ruins of the Church in Fundeni, FrunzăneștiCod 1282

The history of the locality Fundeni from the Romanian territories is connected to the existence of some great aristocrats. In April 1733, equerry Mihai Cioranu built up his aristocrat enclosure on the border of the lake Fundeni. The border of the property of the equerry Cioranu was bordered at South with the property of the […]

The Annunciation of the Lord Monastery, Valea RoșieCod 1281

Built up in the year 1993, with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Vlasie and by the efforts of His Grace Flavian Ilfoveanul, helped by the Christians from the area, which wanted the foundation of a church in the area, the monastery started to bloom, here gathering a numerous community, which numbers today almost 80 […]

The Lake from Valea Roșie, Valea RoșieCod 1280

The Lake Valea Roșie is a salted water lake, naturally formed, being situated quite close from the commune Mitreni. Because of his therapeutical properties, hundreds of tourists arrive here every year for treatment. His sulphur, sodium waters, but also the vegetable mud has quite important therapeutic properties. Being a natural lake, the surface is quite […]

Tăriceni Monastery, Tăriceni – FrăsinetCod 1279

In 1828, the Greek bargainer, Hristofor Guva, builds up from the foundation the Monastery Tăriceani, redone since then on several occasions, as it is also mentioned in the church’s inscription. The place of worship was transformed in time in a monastery of Greek and Romanian superiors who belonged to the Congregation Odaia Vlădichii (today Sultana). […]

Assumption of Mary Church, SultanaCod 1278

The congregation church is situated in the center of the Sultana village, at approximately 200 m from the Lake Mostiștea. The existence of the church in the village Odaia Vlădichii, which today is part of the village Sultana, is mentioned in the XVIIIth century, being situated in the proximity of the aristocrat house. In the […]

Saint Parascheva Church, StanceaCod 1277

The place of worship has been built between the years 1933 – 1936, the people from the villages Stancea and Clinciu contributing by donating their incomes obtained following the shared crop on the property of the state and the Prefecture of the County of Ilfov. A contribution of 600.000 RON was given by Anastasia Ionescu […]

Saint Nicholas Church, SpanțovCod 1276

Saint Nicholas Church from Spanțov was built up by the village army in the year 1868 during the times of the Metropolitan Nifon, with the endeavors of the priest Radu Duhovnicul. The church with the shape of a ship was covered with plates in the year 1888, during the times of the priest Gheorghe Stănescu, […]

Saint Gheorghe Church, ȘoldanuCod 1275

Saint Gheorghe Church from Șoldanu was built in the year 1934. Șoldanu (know in the past as Negoești) is a commune formed from the villages Negoești and Șoldanu (the residence). At the end of the XIXth century, on the current territory of the commune there functioned the commune Aprozi – Negoești, in the hundred Negoești […]
