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The Vorvoreanu Monument, CraiovaCod 1343

The funeral monument Vorvoreanu is situated in the Ungureni cemetery and it was executed by Raffaello Romanelli, Italian sculptor, who realized over 300 plastic works, 40 of them existing in Romania. Many others are found in the city Detroit, Michigan and the United States of Romania. The statue was created in 1898, representing in a […]

The Zoo, CraiovaCod 1342

The zoo is situated in the park Romanescu and it is opened to the public throughout the entire day, the access being free. It is considered to be one of the oldest zoos from the country, being inaugurated in the year 1906, at the command of the mayor from those times, Nicolae Romanescu. The lion […]

Romanescu Bust, CraiovaCod 1341

In 1943, as a tribute brought to the one who closely looked after the execution of the Romanescu Park, at the principal entrance, there was built a bust of N. Romanescu. Nicolae Romanescu was the mayor of Craiova in the year 1898, 1901 – 1916 and 1929. He was one of the most emblematic figures […]

The Romanescu Park, CraiovaCod 1340

The Romanescu Park, known throughout the time also under the name of the Bibescu Park, the Park of Independence, or the Park of the People, is situated in the place, where, at the middle of the XIXth century, there was the property and the garden of the Bibescu family. The garden, arranged by a German […]

AJPIS Dolj, CraiovaCod 1339

The head office of the County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection is one of the buildings included on the list of tourist objectives of the county Dolj, being built at the end of the XIXth century. The origin of the current name of the city is the subject of many controversies and floats in […]

The Palace Hotel, CraiovaCod 1334

The construction where it functions the secondary headquarters of the City Hall of Craiova, from the street “Al. I. Cuza” no. 1, dates back to the period 1900 – 1905 and it is on the list of historical monuments. According to the archive information, the building was conceived from the very beginning to have two […]
