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Botanical Garden, BalchikCod 2006

The today Botanical Garden existat din anul 1955. Part of the total area (194 acres) is protected by law. The location is wonderful for both amateurs and experts in the field of plants High biodiversity and natural ecosystems should be seen by everyone. Complex architectural park “Castle” is, also, located in the botanical garden “backyard”. […]

Architectural Park Complex “The Castle”, BalchikCod 2005

Architectural park complex “Castle” is situated above 2 km south-west from Balcic, 40 km north-east from Varna and represents a complex of villas and other buildings located on the Black Sea. After south Dobrogea reunification in 1940,, the castle falls within the borders of Bulgaria and around it the academician Daki Jordanov has built the […]

The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, BalchikCod 2004

The Church of St. Nicholas, the Wonderworker is a Reinaissance complex located in Balchik, consisting of a large white stone church, divided into three naves with private bell tower, similar to a lighthouse, a Renaissance school and agarden. It was declared a cultural monument. After the Russo-Turkish War of 1828-1829 and the subsequent migration to […]

The Art Gallery, BalchikCod 2003

Founded in the 30s of the 20th century, it is the oldest art gallery in southern Dobrogea. In 1987 it moved into its current building thanks to the sources of the Fund “1300 years of Bulgaria”. The building itself was built in the early 20th century and for many years housed the high school of […]

The Museum of History, BalchikCod 2002

The Museum of History in Balcic is situated on the territory of four different buildings. Its beginning is placed by the archeological researches of Karel Shkorpil back in 1907. Thirty years later he opened an art gallery, the archaeological and ethnographic exhibition, located in the royal summer residence. By late August 1940, all these have […]

The Ethnographic Museum, BalchikCod 2001

The Ethnographic Museum in the town of Balchik is located near the Historical Museum. Beautiful two-storey house in old style, which belonged to a grain merchant, today houses the Ethnographic Museum. The house was built in 60s of the XIXth century. The Museum keeps a variety of preserves authentic objects, cloths and typical local ornaments, […]
