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St. Haralambie Church, ShablaCod 2046

The church was built in 1853. It is a monument of culture with remarkable works. Called St. Haralambos, bishop of Magnesia, who preached the doctrine of Christ. Shabla devastating earthquake in 1900 crashed to the ground what has been started, the damage temporarily suspended their work. Very exciting are the lists that kept the names […]

The Green Educational Center, ShablaCod 2045

It is located in a municipal building with local cultural significance, known as “Old School” or “The Pension”. The massive stone building dating from the early century. XX and is characterized by monumental architecture and high aesthetic value. The building and its surrounding park were renovated and adapted to new needs and specific functions of […]

The Art Gallery, KavarnaCod 2044

The Art Gallery is housed in the old building of the primary school in the city, built in 1909-1910. The Gallery organizes annual workshops for young and renowned artists. The gallery is named after the great Bulgarian illustrator Hristo Gradechliev. The idea for the creation of Kavarna Art Gallery dates back to the 70s of […]

Exhibition “Dobrogea and the Sea”, KavarnaCod 2043

Exhibition “Dobrogea and the Sea” is an integral part of the Museum of History in the town of Kavarna. It is situated near the main building of the museum, in the restored old Turkish bath, also known as the Turkish Hamam from the XVI century. The Hamams are an important part of the Ottoman city […]

“Saint George” Church, KavarnaCod 2042

“St George” Church was built in 1836, with voluntary donations of local residents. Besides this there was a Greek school. It was damaged during the uprising of Kavarna in 1877, after the Liberation was restored and painted (1879). The church is the oldest preserved Renaissance building in the city. Architecture and valuable icons define it […]

The Rock Music Alley, KavarnaCod 2041

In the recent years, the small coastal town of Kavarna has become the biggest rock capital of Bulgaria. On the Rock Alley in Kavarna was opened the Monument of the amercian singer and composer Ronnie James Dio. Frontman “Elf,” “Rainbow”, “Black Sabbath”, “Dio”, who left this world in May 2010, has delighted audiences on the […]

The History Museum, KavarnaCod 2040

The museum is located downtown. It opened in 1971. The exhibition follows the history of the city of centuries V-VI to year 1940. The exhibits objects are those that reflect the culture of tribes and peoples who lived in Dobrogea. The museum shows also the largest center of ancient pottery in Europe, discovered near the […]

The Ethnographic House, KavarnaCod 2039

The Ethnographic House of Kavarna is open for visitors from 1984. It is located in a old Renaissance house restored and tansformed into a living museum of the town, of a middle-class family from the end of the XIX century. reveals everyday life of the main groups in this part of the Bulgarian population – […]

The Old Drinking Fountains, KavarnaCod 2038

In the past there were 12 drinking spring – fountains in Kavarna located along the valley to the sea. Among them only six were preserved. Each of drinking fountains has a long history . The oldest is a drinking spring of the Kavarn city, built around the XVth century, and the the most famous is […]

The Ethnographic Complex “Chiflika Chukurovo”, PrilepCod 2037

The Ethnographic Complex “Chiflika Chukurovo” is a rest place prefered by travelers for which the main priority is rest in a quiet environment , close to the sea (20 km from the Albena beaches). The complex has 19 double rooms, 2 small studios, four major studios, three bungalows – 2 rooms, veranda, bathroom, family home […]
