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The Statue of Michael the Brave, CraiovaCod 1333

The idea of a statue at Craiova of the great voivode, who is connected to the city also by the fact that he owed the high office of great ban before being a regnant, dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. In 1913, there was constituted an initiative committee for building up a […]

The Philharmonic Craiova, CraiovaCod 1331

The philharmonic from Craiova, a well-know institutions in the Romanian musical life, was founded in 1904 and brought into existence in 1947 by a royal decree. The activity from present is supported by the Symphony orchestra, the Chamber Orchestra, the Academy Quire and other ensembles. Approximately 80 professional musicians form the symphonic orchestra. The repertoire […]

The Minerva Hotel, CraiovaCod 1328

This building was built between the years 1898 and 1903 according to the plans of the architects Thoma Dobrescu and D. Nedelcu. The building was built on the field which was back then the property of the trusteeship Church Madona Dudu from Craiova (Gh. Anghelescu and A. Carianopol) and the architect Th. Dobrescu from Bucharest […]

The Memorial House Diamantopol, CraiovaCod 1325

The Memorial House Diamantopol is one of the buildings included on the list of historical monuments of the county Dolj, being built at the end of the XIXth century. The origin of the current name of the city is the subject of many controversies and floats in legend; the only thing which can be said […]
