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The Bust of Mihai Eminescu, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1482

The bust of Mihai Eminescu from Drobeta Turnu Severin was executed by the sculptor Gheorghe Anghel. Mihai Eminescu (born Mihail Eminovici; born on the 15th of January 1850, Botoșani – deaceased on the 15th of June 1889, Bucharest), was a Romanian poet, prose man and journalist, considered by the Romanian readers and posthumous literary critics […]

Saint Andrew Church, Drobeta Turnu SeverinCod 1481

The foundation stone of the church was placed on the 21st of November 2008, having at the base the decision of the Episcopacy of Severin and of Strehaia. The construction started in the year 2012. The shape of the church is a cross one, being among the few places of worship from the city with […]

The Roman-Catholic Church, OrșovaCod 1479

If we go back in time in the years 1970, we imagine an extremely unfriendly period with religions. There were times in which the churches were demolished, in no circumstances there were built new ones. But since in 1972 we had on the Clisura of Danube a great barrier nearly finished, barrier which was going […]

Saint Nicholas Church, OrșovaCod 1478

The church from Orșova is mentioned for the first time in the year 1660, by a Turkish traveller, Evlija Celebi. He wrote the fact that in the “city” Orșova the “giaours” (the Christians) “have a church of their own”. It is the first recollection of the church which will later bear the titular saint of […]

The Monument of the Rootless 1950, OrșovaCod 1477

The deportations in Bărăgan were an ampleness action of “dislocation” undertaken in the years 1950 by the communist regime from Romania, with the purpose of forcedly relocating in the Plain of the Bărăgan the population who lived on a radius of approximately 25 km from the border with Yugoslavia, from the counties Timiș, Caraș – […]

The Monument of the Heroes, OrșovaCod 1476

Between the 26th and the 28th of August 1944 took place fights for freeing Orșova from the Second World War. The fights continued until the 30th of August 1944 for freeing the defile Orșova – Severin. In the month of September 1944 took place the fights for defending the Defile of the Danube in front […]

The Light House from Orșova, OrșovaCod 1475

High constructions provided in the superior part with powerful light sources, they were for a long time the only fix means for ensuring the navigation. Throughout the time, they were replaced by the electronic navigation systems. Orșova is situated on the border of the barrier lake Porțile de Fier I from the Danube, in the […]

The Statue of Mihai Eminescu, OrșovaCod 1474

Mihai Eminescu (born Mihail Eminovici; born on the 15th of January 1850, Botoșani – deaceased on the 15th of June 1889, Bucharest), was a Romanian poet, prose man and journalist, considered by the Romanian readers and posthumous literary critics as the most important poetic voices from the Romanian literature. Receptive to the European novels from […]

Saint Nicholas Church, Obârșia de CâmpCod 1473

The name of Obârșia de Câmp is of Slavic origin and comes from the establishment of this village on the place where there are met many river heads, which were channeled meanwhile and arranged by the inhabitants for pisciculture and recreation. The commune is composed of two villages, Izimșa and Obârșia de Câmp, it is […]

The Gheorghe Pleșa Palace, Obârșia de CâmpCod 1472

The Pleșa Castle from Obârșia de Câmp was built in 1892 by the aristocrat Gheorghe Pleșa in the style of the castles from the Valley of the Loire. The legend of the place says the fact that the father of the aristocrat Gheorghe Pleșa, the village’s skinner during the times of the Ottoman Empire, offered […]
