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Archaeological Site „La Biserica”, MăguraCod 1537

The archaeological site ” La Biserica” is located within the commune  Magura. It is a neo-eneolithic settlement that belongs to Gumelniţa culture (c. 4700-3900 BC). On the same location were also reported traces of habitation since the Bronze Age and since the Iron Age (the Latene). Gumelnița is the name given by archaeologists to a […]

The Memorial Monument of the Islaz Assembly, IslazCod 1536

In 1969, in the center of Islaz, the memorial monument of the Islaz assembly in 1848 is raised. The monument was raised to mark the spot where the Popular assembly that approved the Islaz proclamation, program of the 1848 revolution, on June 9th- 21st took place. The construction is represented by a massive concrete block, […]

Costea’s Fortress, FrăsinetCod 1535

Built in the beginning of the 18th century, it was successively rebuilt after the damages suffered and the earthquakes. The fortress, a defense tower inspired by Balcan Turkish architecture, entered the Romanian space staring with the 16th century, reaching its peak during the first part if the Phanariot century. In the beginning of the 19th […]

Museum of Ethnography, DrăcșaniCod 1534

The Ethnography Museum from Drăcșani was established in 1971 having as profile the local history. It belongs to the category of municipal museum. Exhibits items of ethnography and local history. The museum building was constructed in 1926. Within the museum there are: – Drăcşenei archaeological discoveries in the village; – objects of agricultural purpose; – […]

The Memorial House of Anton and Maria Popescu, DrăcșaniCod 1533

The Memorial House Anton and Maria Popescu was a established in 1984. The museum opened so has as profile the local history, exposing objects and documents on education and local traditions. Within the museum there are exposed: – Significant local stories on pieces of paper; – List of heroes who fought in the War of […]

Saint Parascheva Wooden Church, DrăceștiCod 1532

According to local tradition, the wooden church is a travelling one. It was brought by carriages to Drăcești, from Cocu village, Arges area, aproximately 80 km away. Radu Crețeanu, who embraced local tradition, claims that the church was built by a great church master from Cocu, which he built in his village and after the […]

The Gala Galaction Memorial Exhibit, DideștiCod 1531

Here was where in 1879 Gala Galaction, writer, orthodox priest, theology professor at the Cernăuţi and Bucharest universities and the translator of the most appreciated of the Bible in Romanian, was born. The small building was raised with the help of the contribution of the inhabitants of Dideşti town, in 1978. The house has three […]

Saint Dumitru Church, CoșeteniCod 1530

Saint Dumitru Church, also known as Coșoteni Monastary, is the central church in the former Tigania Monastary – Drăgănești. Around this small church a clerical crowd was gathered and here is also where the first schools in Teleorman county. Founded in 1647, the Coșoteni church is mentioned in historian Stoicescu’s biography under the name “Draganesti […]

The Wooden Church, BaldovineștiCod 1529

The building built in 1711 is placed today in the old cemetary in town. It does not originate in the south of the country. It was brought to Bujoreni in 1868, from a mountain village whose name was forgotten in time. Legend says that the move was done with twelve ox drawn carriages, probably over […]

The Ruins of the Baldovinești Monastery, BaldovineștiCod 1528

Ruined church on the outskirts of Baldovineşti village was dated in the absence of any document or inscriptions by archaeologists Voica Puşcaşu Maria and Ion Dumitrescu after stylistic criteria, during the reign of Matei Basarab. Previously to their report the church was mentioned in 1898 in the Great Geographical Dictionary of Romania, “the former monastery […]
