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The Adamclisi Basilica, AdamclisiCod 1236

At South – West from the central point of the intersection of the two principal circulation axes there was built a grand civil basilica named forensis. The basilica has a surface of 18 x 50 m, with the long ax oriented to north – south and compartmented in three aisles, with two rows of big […]

The Citadel Adamclisi, AdamclisiCod 1235

The first archeological researches were performed at the Citadel Adamclisi – Tropaeum Traiani by Grigore Tocilescu between the years 1891 – 1909, in order to be handed over by the great archeologist and historian Vasile Pârvan, starting with the year 1911. The citadel from Adamclisi (situated in the South – West side of the village, […]

The Monument Trophaeum Traiani, AdamclisiCod 1234

Tropaeum Traiani is one of the most important ancient monuments from the Romanian territory. The first diggings were undertaken starting with the year 1882 by Grigore Tocilescu. The monument, in the version in which it has been reconstituted by the archeologists, is composed of a cylindrical pedestal, which has at the base numerous rows of […]

Museum of Archeology Adamclisi, AdamclisiCod 1233

The Museum of Archeology Adamclisi is a “site museum”, which, together with the “Triumph monument Tropaeum Traiani” and “the citadel Tropaeum Traiani” (which date back to the IInd century) form the Museum complex Tropaeum Traiani. This is subordinated to the Museum of National History and Archeology Constanța. The museum of national history and archeology Constanța […]

The Leisure Center 2 Mai, 2 MaiCod 1232

Accommodation and food facilities: the center has a capacity of 200 places, in rooms with their own bathrooms, arranged in the following manner: rooms with 2 places – 8 rooms with 4 places – 6 rooms with 5 places – 32 the center has its own dining room, with a capacity of 120 places, and […]

The Village Museum, LimanuCod 1231

Founded with the works executed by the members of the Union of Plastic Artists from Bucharest, on the occasion of the documentations made, in the summer of the year 1960, on the territory of Dobrogea, the collection comprises paintings, sculptures, and contemporary Romanian graphics. The commune Limanu (Caracicula) was formed from the villages Caracicula, Ilanlac, […]

The Calcareous Walls from Petroșani, PetroșaniCod 1230

The calcareous walls from Petroșani constitute a monument situated on the administrative territory of the commune Deleni, village Petroșani and it is considered a monument of nature of geological, zoological, scientific type. The calcareous walls impress by the aspect resulted following the external agents, by the erosion of the water, and they are composed by […]

Vicina Byzantine Citadel, Păcuiul lui Soare IslandCod 1229

It was built between the years 969 – 976, during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Ioan Tzimiskes, being a solid construction, the only fortress of the Byzantine Empire from Europe, which stood by the passing of time. In 976, after the death of the emperor Ioan Tzimiskes, the Byzantine reign from the south of […]

The Ostrov Cellar, OstrovCod 1228

The beautiful land of Ostrov has concealed and sent from ancient times a culture of the vine plants and of the wine, which was brought again to life by the new owners of S.C. Ostrovit S.A. The Ostrov domains are situated in the south-west of the county of Constanța, along the right shore of the […]

The Lipnița Cellar, LipniţaCod 1227

Currently, the Ostrov Domains have an agrarian surface of approximately 2000 hectares, with a vinicultural areal of 1200 hectares, 400 hectares of fruit gardens (apricot, peach, apple, plum, cherry, wild cherry, nut tree), 150 hectares of arable field which is going to be plated and 200 hectares of greenhouse. The Ostrov Domains include the two […]
