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The Landscape Park Little Bulgaria, ZhelezartsiCod 2560

The landscape Park Little Bulgaria is located 19 km of Strazhitsa, at the intersection of Kesarevo village and exit to the Zhelezartsi village, Veliko Tarnovo region. The park area is marked with signs on the main road Sofia – Varna and the the targets are located on both sides of the road. The Park on […]

The Elephant Tree, BagalevtsiCod 2559

Bagalevtsi village (Bagalyuvtsi) is located approximately 5 km north of the village of Todyuvtsi. It is located on the sides of the river Veselina in a scenic area. Bagalevtsi is an ancient settlement. Here in the years of Ottoman rule, lived the priest Marco, author of the famous “Chronicles of Elena”.” He also was a […]

The Museum of History, PavlikeniCod 2558

The Pavlikeni History of Museum was founded in 1978. The Museum has seven exhibitions – ancient pottery center, Gallery of Art, Archaeology, Revival, Ethnography, Modern History and temporary exhibitions. The museum contains many valuable artifacts such as ancient columns that reach more than 2 meters, eternal calendar with wall paintings and icons painted by Venko […]

Pavlikeni Zoo-Park, PavlikeniCod 2557

The Pavlikeni Zoo-Park, is located in the town of Pavlikeni in Veliko Turnovo. The Zoo-Park has 119 animals of 38 species that inhabit the area of 8 acres of 300-400 meters from the city center. At the beginning of the park it is built a playgorund with swings and slides for children and benches for […]

The Rayuv Stone (Eco-Alley), ElenaCod 2556

The Markov – Rayuv eco-alley begin at 3 km from Elena and continue to the passage of Elena – Tvarditsa. Then the route continues to climb the mountain ridge. It passes through the tourist site “Markov’s Stone.” Further it starts climbing the rock fragments of which magnificent views of the valley Elena reveals. Therefore, another […]

Zarapovo Waterfall, VishogradCod 2555

The Zarapovo Waterfall is located near the village Visovgrad, a few meters from the road to Veliko Turnovo of Pavlikeni. It is relatively small, with a height of about 15 meters. There is a comfortable platform and two small bridges, from which you can enjoy the beautiful view. A small geocomplex (can be called eco-alley) […]

The Filip Totyu House-Museum, Voneshta VodaCod 2554

The birthplace of Todor Todorov Stanchev’s is located in the Greek slum, nearby Voneshta Voda village. It is 40 km south of Veliko Tarnovo. Legendary Bulgarian leader was born on April 10, 1830. A small detachment was formed in 1854 by conducting punitive operations against the Ottoman authorities. In 1866 – 1867 the detachments led […]

The Ethnographic Museum, White ChurchCod 2553

In the central part of White Church town, it is placed, among the scenic greenery of one of the oldest parks, the Ethnographic Museum, belonging to the “Bacho Kiro 1869” Cultural Center. It is located in the building with interesting architecture, built in 1912, known as the White Church among citizens as the “Old Library”. […]

The Rayko Daskalov House-Museum, White ChurchCod 2552

The “Rayko Daskalov” Museum is a beautiful two-story building in the center of White Church town, declared in 1970 a Cultural Monument. It was built in 1922, in the backyard of the Rayko Daskalov House. From October 1984 at the second floor lies an exhibition about the life and work of Dr. Rayko Daskalov – […]

The Ilarion Makariopolski House-Museum, ElenaCod 2551

The Ilarion Makariopolski House-Museum is one of the most interesting houese in the city, with great historical and architectural value, representing the rich type of Elena house, in plank. The house is restored and you can see the furniture in its entirety and the items belonging to Ilarion Makariopolski. It is a cultural monument of […]
