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The City Fortress, KilifarevoCod 2540

The City Fortress is located in the Balkans Mountais, south of Kilifarevo, near Veliko Tarnovo. Scientists have dated the pottery found in the vicinity as from 11-15 century. There are suggestions that it is not related to construction of the fortress, as it is considered yet, and it is possible that the city to date […]

Kapinovo Monastery of Sf. Nikolay, KapinovoCod 2539

In 1856 the old monastery buildings are demolished and instead the two brothers from Elena, were raised large residential buildings with 2 massive floors. The outer wall eight meters high and 1.5 meters thick, is built of stone and gives the monastery an impressive air. Seen from the north, it seems a medieval fortress. Since […]

The St. Elijah Plakovo Monastery, PlakovoCod 2538

The St. Elijah Plakovo Monastery is located near the Plakovo Village, 18 km of Veliko Tărnovo, in Elena Balkan’s. The Monastery was, probably, fouded in 1280, but originally it was located a few kilometers from the monastery today, where you can still see the little old church, but it was destroyed. In the following centuries […]

The Merdaniya Monastery, MerdanyaCod 2537

The Merdaniya Monastery “St. 40 Martyrs” is located in Veliko Tarnovo diocese. Located on the heights of Stara Planina in Central Tarnovo at about 14 km from Veliko Tarnovo, at the western edge of the village Merdanya. The Monastery of Merdaniya can be reached by the main road which links the city of Veliko Tarnovo […]

The Hotnitsa Eco-Route, HotnitsaCod 2536

The Eco-Route from Hotnitsa is located in Veliko Tarnovo, near the Hotnitsa village. Near this village in 2006, it was found the oldest gold treasure in the world, 7.000 years, until now the oldest is found in Varna / 5000 years /. It was built in the Bohot River gorge. The Eco-Route begins with a […]

Kapinovo Waterfall, VelchevoCod 2535

Kapinovo waterfall is a small waterfall 6-7 meters. The height of the falls is relatively small but is deep pool under the waterfall, 20 meters wide and is the perfect place for sunbathing. Waterfall is reached from Veliko Tarnovo going to Plakovo. However, before Plakovo must go east to the village Velchevo. From there, follow […]

The Virgin Birth Kilifarevo Monastery, KilifarevoCod 2534

Kilifarevo Monastery of the Virgin Birth is a Bulgarian Orthodox monastery, which is located along the Belitsa river, near the town of Kilifarevo. It can be reached easily by road to the south of Veliko Tărnovo city, after crossing the Stara Planina through the Haimboaz Passage. At 12 km, lies the town of Kilifarevo and […]

Hotnitsa Waterfall (Kaya Bunar), HotnitsaCod 2533

The Hotnitsa Waterfall is, also, known as Kaya Bunar. The Waterfall can be reached by car, and near it there is a parking. From Kaya Bunar begins a route strewn with many wooden bridges and stairs. There are green areas and pavilions suitable for picnic. Thisis located above 15 km north-west towards the Veliko Tarnovo […]

Pearly Water Fountain, Gorna OryahovitsaCod 2532

Pearly water Fountain is located approximately 500 m southeast of the center of Pushevo. It was restored in 2012, at the library council initiative “Spoluka-1923”. There is a parking space near the orchard. Water is considered by locals to be curative. Under running water in the picturesque canyon, a creek with beautiful basins, waterfalls and […]

Plakovo Dam, PlakovoCod 2531

For lovers of sport fishing, the Dam “Plakovo” gives them the opportunity to try their luck. Located at the edge of the northwestern Plakovopevalea village and Elishan River, between the roads coming to the village, from Kilifarevo city and Debelets city. The Lake has a very dense population of carp, with an average weight of […]
