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Former Obedeanu Monastary, CraiovaCod 1362

The school was founded in the Obedeanu Church chapels, built by the great landowner Constantin Obedeanu. Constantin Obedeanu’s son dedicated the church built by his father to Bishop Grigorie al Râmnicului Noului Severin. Afterwards, here was where the first school in Craiova, with one Slavic and one Greek teacher. This school of the Obedeanu Church […]

The White House Block, CraiovaCod 1361

In the inter – war Craiova, between the years 1920 and 1920 there is built the so – called White House (on one of the sides of the central garden – English Park – executed in the style of a London square), according to the plans of the architect Constantin Iotzu. The building represents the […]

Museum of Oltenia, CraiovaCod 1357

In the 17th through 19th centuries, in the space that currently holds the History- Archeology section of the Museum of Oltenia, there was a fount from which water carriers supplied with drinking water that they distributed for cost in the historical area of Craiova. The land belonged to the Maica Precistă din Dud Church, today […]
