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The Statue of Mihai Eminescu in Alei Park, GiurgiuCod 1047

The Statue of Mihai Eminescu is considered the most important statue in terms of artistic work, the work belonging to the sculptor C. Mendrea from 1938. The statue has its base concrete poured the pedestal is of stone, and on it is engraved „EMINESCU 1850-1889’’. Every year, on 15th of January, on the occasion of […]

Alei Park, GiurgiuCod 1046

The construction was requested by Gen. Kiselef in 1830. Alei Park was  arranged over several years from 1831, when the systematization of the city gas begun. In 1840, there were planted 200 limes and also was built a buffet and a pavilion for music. The tradition of music in the park is preserved today. t […]

Antonescu Teohari Museum, GiurgiuCod 1045

The emergence of the museum, belonged to the first concerns of the multifaceted personality of Nicolae Droc-Barcian, the Gymnasium director. He set up a botanical garden in 1876, and in 1883 a school museum of natural sciences, successively enriched with archaeological pieces and documents. The accumulated heritage was lost after the 1916 destruction of the […]

The Cultural Center Ion Vinea, GiurgiuCod 1044

The Cultural Center Ion Vinea is the pillar of cultural and artistic activities in Giurgiu; its activity is based on a rich cultural tradition and giurgiuvean music, sustained  over time by great personalities like Victor Karpis, Teodor Bratu Gheorghe Barbulescu and continued today by high-class professionals, under the direction of music teacher Virgil Petanca. The […]

Roman Catholic Church, GiurgiuCod 1043

About 70 years ago, a group of Catholic workers from Belgium came to Giurgiu, to build a sugar factory. Giurgiu Catholic community was then numerically very small gathering on holidays only in a “Prayer House”  located in the courtyard of the current parishe. The guests came here to work took the initiative to make do […]

Nicolae Bălănescu Athenaeum, GiurgiuCod 1042

Inspired by the model of a Greek temple and having on the facade the symbol of the Roman eagle,  the Athenaeum “Nicolae Bălănescu” was built in  n just a few months in 1940 by the philanthropic gesture of the lawyer Nicolae Bălănescu, who decided to demolish his house and with materials obtained thus to built […]

The Episcopacy from Giurgiu, GiurgiuCod 1041

The church was throughout the centuries not only a keeper of the God teachings, but also a keeper of those spiritual values which formed and kept the identity of this nation, of these grounds. This thing was understood by all the servants of the Church, but also by the First Prophet from the Episcopacy of […]

The Monument of the Heroes from the Revolution, GiurgiuCod 1040

The beautiful roadside cross made of sculpted wood, on the concrete pedestal, is dedicated to the martyr heroes who fell at the Revolution from December 1989. During the revolution, the number of the deceased and of the ones mutilated by shooting, before the 22nd of December 1989, is approximately 7 times smaller than the one […]

Tudor Vianu Theatre, GiurgiuCod 1039

In 1966, was inaugurated the current building o the theatre titled the ” House Culture “. Several years of cultural emulation, supported by the most important collectives in Bucharest followed: Variety Theater, Operetta Theatre, Romanian Opera, the Philharmonic, the National Theatre, Bulandra Theatre, Nottara Theatre, etc. The big hall with 480 seats, was overcrowded, while […]

The Statue of Michael the Brave, GiurgiuCod 1038

The Equestrian Statue of Michael the Brave in Giurgiu was carried out at the initiative of the Mayor of Giurgiu, Lucian Iliescu, an artist from Constanta, which conducted and the equestrian statue of Michael the Brave in Năvodari, inaugurated on 15 August 2011, as a replica of the statue Michael the Brave Bucharest. The mayor’s […]
